There are delusions precise and clear where everything is imagined with tiniest details, even the most absurd ones, but in the case of delusions the absurd is in the right place. The impossibility of making it real is the base for delusion.
Delusions can be uncertain, doubtful, unstable and misty, too. Partial, as well. Just begun and not completed. As if ashamed of their initial braveness, too big momentum, too grand scale, or maybe just bored with self-restraint... Or maybe simply not completed, because disturbed, cut, broken due to a trivial reason – and this is like closing the door that will never be opened after to get in there and complete the things which have been begun.

- - - - - imagine four slide projectors – in each of them a few dozens of slides with a different story – or maybe four chapters of the same story, of one story – or maybe one story told in four different ways – I don't know yet – and each slide is like a page - - - - - - - these four tales are shown simultaneously, each on one wall of the venue, each in its own pace – grinding and creaking and scratching and other noises made by projectors while changing frames should be composed in an ostinato thus giving to the whole story a specific rhythm – the audience is inside – people sit on chairs: if they turn faces to one wall, then they turn their backs to the opposite wall – they read one part of the story after the other or alternately or they skip randomly, chaotically – it's interesting how long the projectors could work without any breaks, jams or fires - - - - - - why old fashioned slide projectors? because digital multimedia projectors are silent by nature - - - -
A slide-book.

And that's all. Nothing more for very long time. No details. No developments. No expansions. No extentions. Nothing is known about the chairs: kind, type, arrangement, number, how people are to change their seats. Nothing is known about the walls. There are no indications about the story: four different stories? one story told in four languages? four different stories? four parts of one story told in one language? ..... but these questions are not the most important – nothing is known so far what this story, or these stories, is, or are, about. Absolutely nothing. We have to wait patiently. And listen to the constant buzz of computer fans.