> > > > canto > ode > picaresque tale > tercet > alexandrine > elegy > comedy > panegyric > epitaph . . . . . . why not an epitaph? a rectangle sheet of paper looks like a tombstone, doesn't it? certainly it could look so, especially if it was a piece of marble paper with a following rime printed on it: this is where a banknote has been buried / but do not let in your head this cunning idea / to grasp the heavy marble and carry it / since there's inside but a rotten body, my dear / a decayed worth, a ghost currency, a dead value / so leave it as it is and I will tell you / don't bother about it, forget the money / thus making your life sweet as honey // . . . . . . of course, you expect the list is very long and contains not only names but also patterns – you just make your choice, fill in some blanks, add a few words and it is ready – or you combine different parts, mix ingredients, change their order and again everything is ready - - - - easy and simple – so easy and so simple – no effort needed – maybe you even expect a kind of permuting machine able to produce enormous quantities of poems or tales, it's enough to turn pages or add words following the given instructions and it's done – maybe you find a new pattern yourself, a new formula or a new machine, although this is not necessary, well, would be even superfluous, what one has to invent new machines and new patterns for if there are old machines and old patterns still in good working condition, not rusty, not jamming - - - patterns . . . . formulas . . . . . . formulas cannot get rusty, they even can not be out of fashion – can 2+2n-2 be out of fashion? well, one day people can start to prefer 2+3n-3 but does it mean fashion? . . . . . . . . nothing like that, just nothing, there are no dictionaries, either ... a dictionary, yes, just a dictionary, any dictionary, would be great – you take one letter only and it starts to sing sweet - - - - well, it is widely known, that using the same pool of words a number of different tales can be composed – an enormous number although I don't know if an infinite one – but which ones has to be chosen and which order should be applied? oh, this bloody freedom! it is allowed to make new words, it is allowed to write new dictionaries, it is allowed to invent new languages . . . . . . everything is allowed . . . . . . no, not everything: it is not allowed to copy – what could mean, if we reasoned really rigorously and analyse and explain all consequences, words once used, uttered or written by anybody, could not be used again - what in turn would not mean a total disaster, a catastrophe of being pushed into the abyss of muteness – it's not so difficult to invent new words considering their number seems infinite - - - and repeating syllables, is it copying or maybe not? and repeating phonemes? . . . . . . oh! it's not so easy to invent a new phoneme, although voice flexibility seems limitless – but I don't care about voice - I don't need new phonemes – writing is the point, so new graphemes should be invented . . . . . . . . well, you might also expect a list of quotations – this would be a good idea – to put on your banknote a wise sentence, or a motto, or even a whole paragraph – or a few quotations – a few quotations could indicate your erudition and your erudition would indicate your knowledge and your knowledge would indicate your wisdom and this would increase the value of your currency - - - - - - - but not here – oh no – here quoting causes but devaluation and indicates lack of your own opinions, disability to think independently and individually - - - - - - - enough? enough, and if enough, then it's ready, although with no doubt it could have been done the other way round > > > > >