The art of commencing is the finest of all arts.
It’s always fine and beautiful to begin.
Supposedly it is fine and beautiful to end.
The beauty of beginning does not depend on what this beginning is of.
The beauty of ending depends on what this end is of.
But we are not sure if it is really so, maybe it is only how we would like it to be.

Can the beginning of arthritis be fine and beautiful? Oh yes! Just look at these three first letters.
ARThritis – the art of twisting and distorting the fingers. Gnarled boughs and branches cause delight while distorted joints cause disgust – why?

Now let’s take a look at what has been written. The beginning is beautiful. As usually. Then it’s not so beautiful. Then there is a long drudgery. As usually. That’s why the middle should be eliminated. There should be but the beginning and the end.
To be sure the end is beautiful and fine, it must be the beginning.

The art of commencing is the most beautiful of all arts.
