A strange cul-de-sac. With no exit – like every other blind alley. Which is nonsense itself – if there is the entrance, there must be the exit, unless right after entering this space the entrance closes like crocodile jaws, unless this is not a cul-de-sac but a black hole...... No, this is not a black hole. This is a cul-de-sac. It could have been named Black Hole but it has no name. Usually it is described as the ARTERY OF ARTS which seems contradictory to the very essence of cul-de-sac, but it is not, for this cul-de-sac is extremely long, longer and longer, infinitely long, similar to a sack with no bottom. Or to a sort of sleeve. Or to a leg. Kind of a tunnel with no light in the end because having no end. A stool gut with no ass hole. A stool gut with an ass hole somewhere in infinity...... So, an artery. An artery throbbing with art. An artery with all possible arts running through it. A string of studios and workshops – the number of them defined as uncountable. The various ones. Some are like palaces, others like sheds, some being just a sheet of paper, a piece of ground swept clean. There are studios which are but a head – mind – a state of mind - - - - - - Well, everything can be art. Everything wants to be art. Everything considers itself art. Even war. Yes. The art of war – this is what they say and write. A lot of people think in that way. Politics – the art of ruling, the art of governing. Rustling up a dinner – the art of cooking. Wooing – the art of seduction. Rumours – the art of gossiping, the art of backbiting..... So, playing piano - what is it? The art of finger tapping. Like walking is but the art of foot tapping. And what is art? Everything is art, everything wants to be art, everything considers itself art. So, the art is everything. Every action is art. Existing is art. Non-existing is art too..... Then what is ART? What is difference between art and ART? And between art and art? This is the art of asking question. This is the art of looking for answers. This is the art of answering..... Maybe somewhere here there is such a studio. You should find it and meet the master and bow down deeply before him and ask to be his apprentice. And you needn't mistake an assistant for a master. This is an art too...... And all these things occur in this narrow cul-de-sac which is a wide multilane artery.