Yes, this bus stop is really an unusual one.
 If a dozen stops were chosen out of so numerous usual stops, it would not be among them. Even if several dozens were chosen, it would not be among them. Even if all usual stops were chosen, it would not be among them, because it is not usual, so it can not be found among the usual ones. But why is it so unusual? What is the point of such unusualness? From aerial view it looks like a letter d lying on its belly – is this the point? Here it must be emphasized very strongly that it is d, not b – a letter b would be lying supine and its huge belly would bulge to the sky, while a letter d can't lie supine due to its enormously big ass, so it can lie only on its belly and stick out this huge ass, although it would be stupid, even crazy and mad, to expect in this act any premeditation: can d do anything else? it can't lie on a side since it has no sides at all, so if it has to lie down it must do this just in that way..... Well, a belly is but the reverse of an ass and vice versa; or, in other words: what would be an ass without a belly?
Do we really care about it? Surely not. We are not flying creatures and we won't be looking at this stop from the position of a cloud flowing across the sky. We will be looking at this building, at this construction, from the level of a fog crawling on the ground or hovering above the ground's surface. We will be looking from one side only. We will be seeing only one of its sides at a time. And what will we see? Not much. Because if a letter, although it has the front and the back, has no sides, then this edifice-letter has no sides either, so we won't see much.
This is not so very important, indeed, even if it looks interesting and worth further analysing. The extraordinariness, or unusualness, of this bus stop consists in a simple fact that just from here a bus to the Rhododendron Forrest starts its journey.
And the Rhododendron Forrest is not a usual forest.
Firstly, we shouldn't think of usual rhododendrons, or azaleas – they are shrubs, so how could they form a forest? We should think of absolutely unusual rhododendrons, of endemic forms which most probably can be found nowhere else. “Most probably” means we can not be completely sure – maybe somewhere there is a place where rhododendron is neither a shrub nor a tree, but a nonsense, a bullshit. It is not clear, or it is absolutely unclear, why this very word, rhododendron, has begun to be used in phrases like He was telling but rhododendrons. Maybe the reason was very simple, and somehow romantic, at least a bit romantic. A nonsense not necessarily is something as disgusting, stinking and abominable as bull's shit. A nonsense can be as beautiful, pleasant and gorgeous as an azalea, or rhododendron. Does it mean there is a distinction between beautiful and ugly nonsenses? This not clear..... But why rhododendron? Most probably due to three d possessed by this word. Which seems to be a rarity.... Of course, most forests in Liberland are mixed, rhododendron-nonsense-bullshit wood-be-forests, so this one is unique because of its purity and shapeliness of specimen growing in it. And also because of the double r in the word forrest..... But is it possible that rhododendrons can be told only here? It looks like it is. Dictionaries keep silence. The browsers give no results. Everybody around maintains stubbornly that rhododendrons are but azaleas, and telling rhododendrons is a sheer nonsense, or just bullshit....
By the way: why bull? why not a cow or sheep or horse or elephants or dog or pig or any other animal? or a mixture? or a progression: the bigger nonsense, the bigger animal meaning more shit?
So, let's go to take a look. Let's go to convince our eyes and minds. To make the trip more interesting, or just to avoid boredom, we can look for words that contain three d. With no doubt one of them is DODECAHEDRON. It is a solid with twelve flat faces, as well as a word with twelve letters. Does this coincidence want to prompt us that the next bus stop on the way to RHODODENDRON FORREST should have a form of a dodecahedron or maybe just be a nod of twelve lines, twelve different itineraries tangled but never crossing each other?